Ensures the staff compliance with company policies and procedures as well as government regulations pertaining to employment practice 保证员工遵守公司的规章制度与工作程序,同时保证公司的规章制度与政府的法令法规的一致性。
My main concern is that these laws could hurt our competitiveness by bringing in unduly restrictive employment practices and terms and conditions 我最担心是,这些法例会带来一些不必要的雇佣常规、条款和条件,使本港的竞争力受到削弱。
We look at the draft employment practices data protection code : we look at how the code will help employers comply with the data protection act 探讨英国资料保护法的雇员常规资料保护法规部份,如何帮助雇主在聘请、保存记录和雇员监察等?畴遵从守则。
" this is a throwback to employment practice which is outdated and we cannot just stand still , " he added in a statement . christine melsom of the is it fair 拉奇在一份声明中补充说: “这种不正常的现象完全应该归因于早已跟不上时代潮流的现行就业体制,而我们对此绝不能视而不见。 ”
Japan s post war prosperity had been supported by the excellent human resources nurtured through japanese - style employment practices , embodied by the lifetime employment system 战后日本的繁荣,是由于有优秀的人才支撑。而正是以终身雇用制为象征的日本型雇佣制度培养了这些人才。